onsdag 14. oktober 2015

30 Day Creative Writing Challenge (by Life of Lu)

Last night I stumbled across this wonderful blog, and I was suddenly inspired to write again. Her writing is incredible, and I found myself reading for an hour, and I'm looking forward to reading more of her work. I also decided that I wanted to give writing another go.

I decided to find a 30 day creative writing challenge, and ended up on the list I found here.  I'm already looking forward to writing some of these texts, as they seem hilarious. These are the instructions for the texts I will be writing over the next month (or for however long I manage to keep writing):

Day 1. Take your least favorite character you've ever created. Put them in a scene that would drive them mad.
Day 2. Write a short story/scene using the following words: luscious, debilitating, sunny and brick.
Day 3. Write about whatever tickles your fancy.
Day 4. Write a scene of someone running through the woods. You are not allowed to use adverbs.
Day 5. Pick a food you find repulsive and then write about eating it. Be descriptive.
Day 6. Envision a day with your perfect weather and describe what would ruin it.
Day 7. Write a scene of what your mornings are like from when you wake up. Write it in second person.
Day 8. You've just killed a man. Write why, how and what you'll do next.
Day 9. Write terrible smut like you see in the back of Cosmo. Feed off the clichés.
Day 10. Describe in as much detail as possible your most recent dream. Stay as true to it as you can. Let it be as confusing as real dreams often are.
Day 11. You are traveling through time. Pick a destination and describe what happens when a strange person (you) interacts with the people of the time.
Day 12. Create a new race. Where do they live, what are they like, what are their customs, beliefs and habits?
Day 13. Write a scene with someone with a mental illness. Put it in their perspective if you like.
Day 14. Write about what music does to you and what songs do it.
Day 15. You have two people. Make them make love or have sex or fuck like animals.
Day 16. Write a scene from an animal's point of view. Either in a zoo, caged, running free or lounging on your carpet. Any animal and any place.
Day 17. It's the end of the world (as we know it). What has caused it and what are you going to do?
Day 18. Pick a sport. Pick another sport. Combine the two and play. See if this can be humorous. Add fire.
Day 19. Imagine if you had wings. Are you the only one or does everybody have them? Why?
Day 20. Write a hypothetical conversation you could have with your cup of coffee/tea/vodka.
Day 21. Write about anything that floats your boat.
Day 22. You are being hunted. Why?
Day 23. Start off a short story with this sentence: "For the first month our town remained untouched..."
Day 24. Write a scene where your character suffers from your greatest fear.
Day 25. You are dead. Figure out why.
Day 26. Write the most clichéd thing you can think of.
Day 27. Pick your favorite song and then write a story around it.
Day 28. Write a story that is purely conversation.
Day 29. Write a children's tale about a missing sock.
Day 30. You are on a quest. For what and why? It can be a quest for food or a quest to save the day. Your choice.

Oh, and yes, I will be doing this in English :D

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